Category Archives: 3D

Anything related to 3-D rendering, modeling or animation.

CoolIris type thing in 30 lines

package { // Piclens type thing in 30 lines (FP10+) Liam O'Donnell -
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	public class Main extends Sprite {
		private var container :Sprite;
		private var imageGrid :Sprite;
		private var images :Array = [];
		public function Main():void {
			container = addChild(new Sprite()) as Sprite;
			imageGrid = container.addChild(new Sprite()) as Sprite;
			for (var i:uint = 0; i < 200; i++) images.push(getItem(i));
			images.sortOn("z", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
			for each (var item:Sprite in images) imageGrid.addChild(item);
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
		private function getItem(index:uint):Sprite {
			var item:Sprite = new Sprite();
			item.x = -(200 / 3) * 210 / 2 + (index / 3) * 210;
			item.y = (index % 3) * 160 - 40;
			item.z = 100 + Math.random() * 2000; * 0xffffff);, 0, 200, 150);
			return item;
		private function update(e:Event):void {
			imageGrid.x += ((stage.stageWidth / 2) - mouseX) * .2;
			container.rotationY = ((stage.stageWidth / 2) - mouseX) * .2;

Head tracking in 3D

I started trying to find useful things to do with face detection, but with limited success. I tried using the Libspark Haar Cascades implementation of face detection with Papervision3D to create a sort of head tracking effect, but it’s a little flaky – partly because of poor tracking accuracy and partly because it’s too CPU intensive. You can view it on its own page here.

Flash 10 Matrix3D demo

I quickly cobbled together this little demo using the new native 3D transforms in Flash 10. Alongside the regular transform.matrix property, DisplayObjects now have a transform.matrix3D property, which controls its appearance in 3-D space. It’s pretty easy to play with in Flash CS4, without any coding knowledge – I can’t wait to see a version of GTA built using this 🙂