Tag Archives: AS3

ActionScript 3.0

Head tracking in 3D

I started trying to find useful things to do with face detection, but with limited success. I tried using the Libspark Haar Cascades implementation of face detection with Papervision3D to create a sort of head tracking effect, but it’s a little flaky – partly because of poor tracking accuracy and partly because it’s too CPU intensive. You can view it on its own page here.

How Wonderfl

I’ve been playing around a little with the online Flash building tool, Wonderfl. If you haven’t seen it already, I urge you to create an account and have a go. You can browse the weird things that people have created, fork other users’ code, or write you own from scratch and see the results compiled online in realtime. It’s a great way to learn graphics coding in AS3 I reckon.


Audio visualiser

I finally got around to making a simple audio visualiser, something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. If you have a microphone, simply click ‘allow’ below and put some music on. You may need to play with your micrphone gain though, just right-clic, go to ‘settings’ then click the micrphone tab and drag the ‘record volume’ slider up/down.