Category Archives: Unity

Posts about my work with the Unity 3D game engine

Unity – How to make things see where they’re going

While developing a game, I wanted to enable the autonomous characters to see where they’re going – that is, to tell them what they’re about to stumble into, without using colliders. The answer was to cast a Ray, angled slightly downward, in front of the character, so it can see if it’s about to walk into a tree, or off a cliff, before it happens. Continue reading Unity – How to make things see where they’re going

Getting started with UnitySteer

UPDATE: The last 2 major releases of Unity adversely affected how UnitySteer steering behaviours play with non-kinematic RigidBody components. If you’re having trouble combining your physics with steering forces, see this enhancement I added, which may or may not become a pull request at some point (although I think the UnitySteer project is not actively maintained any more).

There are several AI steering libraries available for Unity, but I settled on UnitySteer due its similarity to OpenSteer for C++. Continue reading Getting started with UnitySteer