Category Archives: Tutorials

Getting started with UnitySteer

UPDATE: The last 2 major releases of Unity adversely affected how UnitySteer steering behaviours play with non-kinematic RigidBody components. If you’re having trouble combining your physics with steering forces, see this enhancement I added, which may or may not become a pull request at some point (although I think the UnitySteer project is not actively maintained any more).

There are several AI steering libraries available for Unity, but I settled on UnitySteer due its similarity to OpenSteer for C++. Continue reading Getting started with UnitySteer

Loan Shark – fast object pooling utility

LoanShark AS3 Object Pooling UtilityA couple of years ago, I created an object pooling utility for a games project I was building in AS3. Since then, I’ve used it quite a few times, in order to speed up apps and improve resource management, easing the load on the garbage collector by reusing objects instead of recreating them. Continue reading Loan Shark – fast object pooling utility

FlashSize – simple browser resizing

How to allow SWFs to display at 100% width/height in your browser – but enforce a minimum width and height, in case of a smaller browser window size than you’ve designed for.

Until recently, I’d used other Flash/browser resize managers when I needed to ensure a SWF is embedded in HTML at 100% width and height, but with support for a minimum width and height setting. But I recently needed a solution the didn’t depend on external JavaScript, due to not having control of the page the SWF is embedded in.

With my simple FlashSize script, all you need do is call:

import com.spikything.utils.FlashSize;
FlashSize.setup(minWidth, minHeight);