I converted the old webcam motion detection thing to AS3 today. Not that it improves the performance much, just wanted to play around with it (source).
17 thoughts on “Webcam motion detection in AS3”
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hi ? i want to know which direction the man or the hand move? left or right? how to know it?
Great sample 😉
See some of my Flash webcam experiments & interactive samples on http://www.SillyWebcam.com .
Cool stuff gig, some nice things there. I intend to play around with webcam stuff more, now that I finally have a working webcam again!
Appreciate the compliment, thanks 🙂
thanks mate,this was a very useful resource. I’ve been putting together a motion tracking class in AS3, which will track the motion of an object using a webcam. An early demo is up here: http://blog.soulwire.co.uk/flash/actionscript-3/webcam-motion-detection-tracking/
Thanks again for the example.
Ooh, very nice. Yeah, just the kind of thing I want to get into. I was thinking to use colour bounds to track blobs, though I guess I might need some subdivision to refine motion areas in more accurate blob tracking.
Not you again Justin, stop posting here. You have not post your source what we are waiting for long time 🙁
the webcam base motion track programe is really fantastic.
Hi Liam,
I appreciated you work here but you should back off on Justin. He has provided source code (http://blog.soulwire.co.uk/download/as3-motion-tracking) 🙂
Um… I said nothing rsklarew. I think Nikon was complaining to Justin. Seems Justin and I went about the same way with the motion tracking, but Justin’s is more refined.
I’ve been doing other things, but will get back into this if/when I get time.
Big Thx